Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Royal Wedding: The Little Spoof

No, I didn't watch The Royal Wedding. I know, I know, I'm an unmarried girl and an English literature major and this kind of stuff should satisfy me to some deep down level of my soul, but no I didn't watch it. What I do watch, however, is my Facebook's news feed and after seeing a gazillion newspaper pictures like this:

All Royal Wedding pics property of some news station or other

I, being an 1980s girlchild, started thinking about another wedding:

All The Little Mermaid pics property of Disney

See the similarities?

Photo courtesy of FanPop

Fortunately, this little snafu:

Didn't turn into this:

And lucky they weren't on a boat, otherwise it might've looked like this:

Although, I'm sure by the end, Miss Middleton felt like this:


P.S. The representative of the Jabbercookie nation wishes the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge much happiness, the royalist of royal issue, and a long, glorious reign. Truly, congratulations!


  1. Ha! Sexy-Ursula is very Middletonian. Run, William!

    I had a girlfriend PVR the wedding and we all watched it Friday night and fastforwarded through the boring bits (so...we watched her come down the aisle. And watched them take their vows).

  2. All I know is her dress was friggin' gorgeous! (And that the makers of The Little Mermaid had darn good foresight).
